
An organic and geometric abstract painting on natural canvas that plays with contrasts of shape, material, form and surface, utilising seductive flows and transmitting energy out of the canvas.

  • Abstract with geometric forms, liquid colour and gloss medium fluid areas.
  • 120 x 120cm on canvas.
  • Artist’s acrylic, gloss medium and gloss varnish with phosphorescent painted edges on natural/ ‘bare’ canvas (primed with clear size – non-animal derived)

An organic and geometric abstract painting on natural canvas that plays with contrasts of shape, material, form and surface, utilising seductive flows and transmitting energy out of the canvas.

  • Abstract with geometric forms, liquid colour and gloss medium fluid areas.
  • 120 x 120cm on canvas.
  • Artist’s acrylic, gloss medium and gloss varnish with phosphorescent painted edges on natural/ ‘bare’ canvas (primed with clear size – non-animal derived)

Liquid forms create an organic feeling and might communicate via the paint application as well as the positioning of hard-edged, muted forms. A space or environment may be perceived.

This fits within the recent bodies of work that look into how the conversation of the paintings through light and retina-stimulating colour can induce a positive emotion in the viewer. It is a direct sensation via sight. This particular piece starts to explore what might happen within the darkness and starts to create an essence of light in the dark.

This work carries on themes of colour, composition, material and process that are in all of my works, and the aspects of two to three dimensionality look at how four or five dimensions of the light and the viewer’s experience come together.


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