Make a visit to my gallery from the comfort of wherever you are!

With many thanks to the Immersive Business team of Falmouth University and the University of Exeter, I’m delighted to unveil my virtual art gallery.

The Immersive Business team has helped me to build a 3D experience of my work in VR (virtual reality), the web and mobile. The gallery was built as a result of the team walking me through various digital technologies that can be used to create, plan and simulate artworks, find ways to more comprehensively present them to galleries and customers, and to render sample exhibitions and projects.

The work I make is difficult to photograph and represent due to its scale, and my customer base is widely distributed, so we looked to find ways that I can give people a remote experience of my work in place of being able to visit an exhibition or make a studio visit.

We have been exploring 360 photography, Photogrammetry and Virtual Reality. These tools can support the entire creative process from the inception and planning stages, through to creating the art itself and presenting the end result.

By weaving these different technologies into my workflow I am able to save money, materials and time in the planning and experimentation stages (R&D) making the work more sustainable and affordable, and I can investigate a range of outputs before committing to the materials to make physical works.

My work investigates various three-dimensional and sculptural forms that you can be immersed in, when I make an exhibition or a work, much of the experience of that work is in the viewer being surrounded and physically up close to paintings and pieces that radiate a physically uplifting sensation that can be felt by the whole body and self. It therefore means that if you put on a virtual headset and step into a virtual world, the experience surrounds your senses. By having a virtual way in which to be in front of an artwork, there’s a good replication of the experience of that piece when the in person experience isn’t readily available. It’s also possible to envisage exhibitions and curate different ones within the platform and even to take historic gallery exhibitions into the platform and archive them so that they can be experienced again and again.

Presenting Trudie Moore’s Immersive gallery experience here.


This work is funded by the European Regional Development Fund and supported by Falmouth University in partnership with the University of Exeter