You might be asking “How do I commission an artist? I don’t know where to find one, What should I expect? How do I start?”
I’ve been undertaking commissions over 21 years, for me as the artist, it’s been simple, I chat to my client, we discuss what they like and I build a picture of what the painting is in my head that is what they want. But that’s not the scenario for the recipient as they just don’t know what they are going to get.
I don’t know where to start
Don’t worry, I do
So you might be asking the same question ‘can you do something for me? What’s it going to look like?’
There are so many ways of going about briefing an artist, or of carrying out a process for a commission. I’ve done them a few different ways:
- the client asks for something that looks like something I have already painted and we chat about that and it either sets the brief immediately – style, colours, size OR it leads into new territory for something a bit (or completely!) different
- I go to the house/ business/ location and we measure up, look at what’s already in the space (furnishings, furniture, light, space, materials and colours of objects in the room)
- I take an existing painting around to a space to see how it works in the space, we talk about the colours/ space/ visual style and elements of the painting.
Trustin the process
Be brave
There is a degree of trust and faith you need in order to take a risk. You aren’t in a shop looking at something that has already been completed and imagingin how it will look above your sofa or reception desk. You have to know and understand that the artist you’re working with has a strong sense of visual awareness and sensitivity both to you, your environment and the outcome you’re looking for.
Take a chance
This is the time to be adventurous. If you brief the painting to be safe, that’s what you will get. If something that is in the artist’s portfolio really appeals and is unique, stands out and is stronger than the rest of their work then that is the upper point of risk you might take. The more you talk the better the outcome. If you say ‘ I like that but that one is a bit adventurous, I feel like I should have this [safe] one over here, can we meet in the middle?
Perhaps you like adventurous, perhaps you need reigning in? Maybe the bold colours need to be brought into line with your interior so that they don’t clash.
There are so many variables.
You can be guided.
You can set the boundaries
You can choose the size
You can choose from a portfolio
You can guide the colour choice (if you need or wish to)
Or you can trust in the artist to create something with you in mind that is their vision.
You can commission something that you choose to have no input into
Their vision of you, or their vision of what you like. Or you can ask them simply to do something for the space that is completely of their own, that you will love, because the thing that drew you to them for a commission is an intrinsic part of what they do. You can work with their intuition and natural style. That way the piece you commission just might be the wonderful piece that makes the art collectable, valuable and unique and worth the most to you, to them and to the art world (if future investment is the thing you are after).
How would you choose to run your commission? You have the power to both choose the artist you want to work with and the power to decide if the choices I have outlined above are available from the artist you choose.

My process forcommissions
How I take commissions
Here’s a sample of one of the ways in which I do commissions, hopefully you’ll find it a calm and reassuring process, there are some formalities but I try to keep it lightweight because that’s more enjoyable for both of us.
A bespoke commission for an abstract painting in the style of my current body of work (geometric abstracts)
You will enjoy the experience of commissioning a qualified artist to create a site-specific painting in collaboration with the artist. I have been creating commissions over 21 years.
I’ll come to your site and chat about the possibilities for creating something that works specifically within that space and which can be seen as an extension of your personality or business through that environment. You might wish to come to my art studio or storage facility to view more paintings and discuss them more deeply.
I will then send you a quote and a short contract to sign to commence work, I will also ask for a deposit to be used against materials (but the full payment is upon delivery).
We might discuss points in the quote or the brief further at this point to check that what was discussed and put onto paper is still on track.
If it’s an installation, or something more three dimensional, we might draw up some visual plans or light sketches to illustrate the mechanics of the piece, but you will be aware that the way that I work is an evolution with the painting itself and this is not controlled and contained planning as such (like for a design) it’s a piece of art that has a conversation with the piece itself.
It is unlikely that I will show you the painting prior to delivery unless there are any queries.
Your painting will be created and delivered within an agreed time frame (usually 6 weeks dependant on time of year/ drying times).
I will give guidance on hanging the work but will not install the painting unless it’s painted direct-to-wall.
After delivery, I will ask to take photos and I might ask for you to send me photos after installation, or for a recommendation or social media sharing. I’ll ask you for permisison to share any photographs of your interiors or profile.
What I will create for you
You will commisison me to create:
- A fine art painting on bespoke artists gallery canvas from Harris Moore or another professional canvas supplier, of your designated size (ply or acrylic on request) or an installation painting.
- A specific piece of art that enhances and creates a feeling within your environment
- A site visit to your chosen location for the piece
- The experience of having a piece of fine art created that will be specifically for you
- All materials
- Ownership of the final piece (creative license remains with the artist)
- Installation of painting direct to walls OR delivery to location*
Who commissions work best for
This works best if you are:
- Open to enjoying the process
- Willing to place your faith in the artist to create something in their house style that has you and your space in mind
- Have a sense of adventure and ambition about your project and its place in the artist’s body of work
- Happy to work to the artist’s contract of sale